Symlink creator and manager Examples: Add an item: sym add movies ~/media/movies art videos This creates an item called movies. Associated with the provided path. And 2 tags were added to it. This will create a symlink: ~/sym/movies It will also create tag symlinks: ~/sym/tags/art/movies and ~/sym/tags/videos/movies These 3 symlinks point to the same path. You can do for instance 'ls ~/sym/movies' And it will show the contents of ~/media/movies Remove an item: sym remove movies or regex... sym remove re:\\w+ Remove an item by path: sym removepath /media/movies or regex... sym removepath re:\\w+ Rename an item: sym rename movies moviez Add tags: sym addtags movies art modern Remove tags: sym removetags movies art modern Replace tags: sym replacetags movies art modern List items: sym list List tags: sym tags List paths associated with a tag: sym tag funny Change the path of an item: sym changepath movies /media/movies Show the path of an item: sym path movies Open a path in the file manager: sym open movies Remake symlinks based on the database: sym remake Make a backup: sym backup Restore from backup: sym restore Print a string of item names: sym printnames Scripts: Scripts can be used for automation. Scripts are 1 command per line. Example script: movies ~/media/movies plot tag movies woomy backup Run a script: sym runscript /path/to/script Make a script: sym makescript /path/to/save Flags: --dev Used for development --force Run commands without confirmation